“Pig Latin”是一个英语儿童文字改写游戏,整个游戏遵从下述规则:
(1). 元音字母是‘a’、‘e’、‘i’、‘o’、‘u’。字母‘y’在不是第一个字母的情况下,也被视作元音字母。其他字母均为辅音字母。例如,单词“yearly”有三个元音字母(分别为‘e’、‘a’和最后一个‘y’)和三个辅音字母(第一个‘y’、‘r’和‘l’)。
(2). 如果英文单词以元音字母开始,则在单词末尾加入“hay”后得到“Pig Latin”对应单词。例如,“ask”变为“askhay”,“use”变为“usehay”。
(3). 如果英文单词以‘q’字母开始,并且后面有个字母‘u’,将“qu”移动到单词末尾加入“ay”后得到“Pig Latin”对应单词。例如,“quiet”变为“ietquay”,“quay”变为“ayquay”。
(4). 如果英文单词以辅音字母开始,所有连续的辅音字母一起移动到单词末尾加入“ay”后得到“Pig Latin”对应单词。例如,“tomato”变为“omatotay”, “school” 变为“oolschay”,“you” 变为“ouyay”,“my” 变为“ymay ”,“ssssh” 变为“sssshay”。
(5). 如果英文单词中有大写字母,必须所有字母均转换为小写。
Welcome to the Python world Are you ready
elcomeway otay ethay ythonpay orldway arehay ouyay eadyray
请构建一个完整的程序,要求接下列输入,然后将这段英文转化为Pig Latin语言,将输出填入到空格中。
Python is intended to be a highly readable language It is designed to have an uncluttered visual layout frequently using English keywords where other languages use punctuation Furthermore Python has a smaller number of syntactic exceptions and special cases than C or Pascal
s= 'Python is intended to be a highly readable language It is designed to have an uncluttered visual layout frequently using English keywords where other languages use punctuation Furthermore Python has a smaller number of syntactic exceptions and special cases than C or Pascal'wds=[]wds =s.split()def re_index( my_name ): indx = 0 for i in my_name: if indx == 0 and (i not in 'aeiou'): indx = indx + 1 else: if indx >0 and ( i not in 'aeiouy'): indx = indx + 1 else: break return indxprint re_index('Python')new_wds=''final_wds=''for i in wds: i = i.lower() if i[0] in 'aeiou': new_wds = i+'hay' else: if i[0] == 'q' and i[1] == 'u': new_wds = i[2:len(i)]+'qu' +'ay' else: new_wds =i[re_index(i):len(i)]+i[0:re_index(i)]+'ay' final_wds=final_wds+new_wds+ ' 'print final_wds